Join me on the mat

Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation also known as ‘yogic sleep’ or ‘effortless relaxation’. A chance to rest, restore, recharge or renew the body and mind. There is nothing you have to do, merely be open to receive whatever is required in the moment.
FREE – Takes place the first Sunday of each month.

Yoga Classes
My classes aim to get you moving in different ways and have a little fun too. Suitable for anyone looking to start their yoga journey, returning from injury or the seasoned practitioner wishing to embrace using equipment in new and supportive ways. Yoga is for all bodies, more importantly to teach you first and the pose second, to meet you exactly where you are in the moment.
Cost £7.00 drop in.
Note there is a 5 pass bundle available so effectively get a class for FREE if you choose this option

Private Classes
Should you wish to connect deeper with your practice feel free to contact me for more details. All private sessions are tailored to suit you.
Working within a corporate environment totally understand the need to alleviate any stresses you may encounter during the day. Why not organise a company session with me.