

If you are searching for a space to discover yoga and learn how to reclaim the movement of your body – you’re in the right place.

Welcome to Karen James Yoga. I am a yoga teacher who believes the practice you undertake should be accessible, and meet you where you are in any given moment. The aim of my teaching is to create an environment where everyone can practice yoga regardless of body shape, gender, age or ability. No pressure, judgement or competition. The movements I use will help you rediscover muscles that have been hiding away. Everyone is invited to come to the mat just as they are. My role is to support you through a series of movements to reawaken the body and mind.

Join me on the mat

The classes I offer are online via zoom, so you can join from the comfort of your own home. All you need is space, support and you! Click any of the links below to join me.  

Private Classes

Contact me for details

Yoga Nidra

Online Class - BST
FREE - Monthly 8:00pm


Online Class - BST
Sunday 9:30am


What people have to say about Karen James Yoga 

My Poetry

The magic happens off the mat just as much on it. I love to write poetry and find writing is another outlet to invite tranquility into my life.    

I Want to Try Yoga

Do Words Matter

About me

I came to yoga later in life – more out of curiosity than anything else. In 2014 I started my practice and in March 2019 completed yoga teacher training. For me, yoga is about self belief and empowerment. It’s about coming to the mat exactly as I am in the moment, taking the time to pay back into my health bank account – no judgement or pressure to perform.

Fundamentally the yoga I love reconnects people with their bodies and give them the tools to discover what movements they are capable of. I truly believe in the ethos yoga is for everyone.

Time spent on the mat is my safe zone…. Read More